Childcare Benefits Us All
Life’s good in Lindsborg—but without improved childcare, it is hard for young families to see that. Creating childcare that is attractive will help to invite people to join us here in Lindsborg—and new homes not only mean jobs, but also mean more property taxes to pay for services like public safety and amenities like a Rec/Wellness Center.
Bethany College recruits young professionals to join their faculty—and finds that a lack of high-quality childcare is a stumbling block to folks joining us here in Lindsborg. An investment in childcare is an investment in Bethany’s ongoing success.
Better prepared kids will have better outcomes. This is good for children and families, and will also help USD 400 to continue to be a highly respected school district. The funding of school districts depends on enrollment—and due to demographic changes in our school district (farms keep getting bigger; farm families keep getting smaller), our enrollment is shrinking. Improved childcare will help us grow enrollment and guarantee secure funding for USD 400. The school district recruits young professionals to join their faculty—and finds that a lack of high-quality childcare is a stumbling block to folks joining us here in Lindsborg. Improved childcare will help USD 400 recruit and retain staff.
The hospital also recruits young professionals—and improved childcare will make it easier to recruit and retain staff.
It’s nice to look around at church and see young families with children, and know that our faith is being shared with the next generation. Taking on new projects—whether serving the needy or fixing the steeple—is easier with more volunteers. Improving childcare is an investment in your congregation’s future—and an invitation to young families to join us here in Lindsborg.
Bethany Village
Bethany Village also recruits young professionals—and improved childcare will make it easier to recruit and retain staff.
We’re proud of all the good jobs in McPherson and Saline counties—but if employers can’t find workers, we’ll have a problem. Investing in childcare helps fill those jobs, and is a necessary investment in our ongoing prosperity.
Restaurants, insurance agents, the hair salon—inviting more people to Lindsborg by improving childcare puts more money in everyone’s pocket, and will make it possible to have more choice in restaurants and other services.
The same dynamic is true in our shops—improved childcare will make recruiting and retaining staff easier, and inviting more people to Lindsborg will help keep downtown vibrant.
Broader tax base to support services