The impact for children and families will go a long way.
Lindsborg Child Development Center is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit childcare center.
Whether you have young children or not the benefits of a new facility create new opportunities…
for your kids to come back to Lindsborg to raise your grandchildren
for more customers for your business
for young families in your church
to continue to recruit doctors, nurses, and other medical staff at the hospital and at Bethany Home
for Bethany College to recruit the professors they need more easily
for more economic vitality in Lindsborg, resulting in more activities, concerts, while also increasing the tax base to improve City services

Open and serving children and families since August!
Where’s My Village?: The Essential Role of Government
Newly Opened Lindsborg Child Development Center Off to Great Success
Plenty of jobs but not enough child care? A Kansas community has a plan for that.
Governor Laura Kelly Announces $4 Million to Benefit 26 Kansas Nonprofit Organizations
LCDC is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit childcare center.